history of calligraphy -

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calligraphy, the art of beautiful handwriting. The term may derive from the Greek words for “beauty” (kallos) and “to write” (graphein). It implies a clear knowledge of the truthful form of letters—i.e., the welcome signs by which language can be communicated—and the power to make them in the same way as such calligraphy, the art of beautiful handwriting. The term may derive from the Greek words for “beauty” (kallos) and “to write” (graphein). It implies a Definite knowledge of the precise exact form of letters—i.e., the within acceptable limits signs by which language can be communicated—and the talent to make them in the same way as such ordering of the various parts and agreement concurrence of proportions that the experienced, knowledgeable eye will give a positive response such composition as a accomplishment of art. Calligraphic work, as art, craving not be legible in the satisfactory wisdom of the word.

In the Middle East and East Asia, calligraphy by long and exacting tradition is considered a major art, equal to sculpture or painting. In Western culture the plainer Greek- and Latin-derived alphabets and the press forward of literacy have tended to make handwriting in principle an art that anyone can practice. Nonetheless, after the creation of printing in Europe in the mid-15th century, a clear distinction arose along with handwriting and more elaborate forms of scripts and lettering. In fact, supplementary words meaning “calligraphy” entered most European languages nearly the end of the 16th century, and in English the word calligraphy did not appear until 1613. Writing books from the 16th century through the make public day have continued to distinguish amid unidentified handwriting and the more decorative calligraphy.

It has often been assumed that the printing process the end the manuscript tradition. This is not quite true: for example, most of the remaining long-lasting books of hours (lavish private devotional manuscript books) date from the get older after the establishment of printing. Furthermore, clear types of publications, such as musical scores, scientific notation, and added specialized or small-audience works, continued to be handwritten with ease into the 19th century. Thus, although handwritten books could not be reproduced in quantity or subsequently solution uniformity, they did survive the foundation of printing. Printing and handwriting began to shape each other: for example, open-minded advertising continues to incorporate calligraphy, and many calligraphers have through the years designed typefaces for printing.

During the 2nd millennium bce, various Semitic peoples at the eastern stop of the Mediterranean were experimenting later than alphabetic writing. Between 1500 and 1000 bce, alphabetic signs found in scattered sites showed a correspondence of form and provided material for hermetically sealed translations. Bodies of writing from this period are fragmented: a few signs scratched almost sherds or cut in stone. Few of these are celebrated in terms of aesthetic value.

One charming set of Semitic inscriptions was discovered in 1905 at an ancient mining site roughly the Sinai Peninsula. A sphinx from that discovery yields the taw, nun, taw, or t, n, t, meaning “gift.” It is evident that the nun, or n, sign is a rendering of a serpent. Most of the to the lead Semitic alphabetic signs were similarly derived from word signs of more ancient vintage.

The several Semitic peoples in the Middle East area spoke languages that were closely related, and this enabled them to use the same set of alphabetic signs. After some experimentation the alphabet was condensed abbreviated to 22 signs for consonants. There were no vowel signs. The tribes of Canaan (Hebrews, Phoenicians, and Aramaeans) were important in the expand of alphabetic writing, and all seemed to be employing the alphabet by 1000 bce.

The Phoenicians, living along a 20-mile (30-kilometre) strip roughly the Mediterranean, made the loud sea their second home, giving the alphabet to Greeks in the mutual trading area and neglect inscriptions in many sites. One of the finest Phoenician inscriptions exists just about a bronze cup from Cyprus called the Baal of Lebanon (in the Louvre, Paris) dating from virtually 800 bce. The so-called Moabite Stone (also in the Louvre), which dates from nearly 850 bce, has an inscription that is as a consequence a famous example of before Semitic writing.

History of Calligraphy

British Library