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Al-Baqara - Wikipedia

Al-Baqara, alternatively transliterated Al-Baqarah (Arabic: البقرة ‎, ’al-baqarah; lit. "The Heifer" or "The Cow"), is the second and longest chapter of the Quran.It consists of 286 verses which begin following the "mysterious letters" ("muqatta'at") A.L.M. In recitation the names of the letters (alif, lām, and mīm) are used, not their sounds. Al-Baqara, alternatively transliterated Al-Baqarah (Arabic: البقرة‎, ’al-baqarah; lit. "The Heifer" or "The Cow"), is the second and longest chapter (surah) of the Quran.[1] It consists of 286 verses (āyāt) which begin subsequently the "mysterious letters" ("muqatta'at") A.L.M.[2][3] In recitation the names of the letters (alif, lām, and mīm) are used, not their sounds.[4]

The surah encompasses a variety of topics and contains several commands for Muslims such as enjoining fasting in this area the supporter devotee during the month of Ramadan;[5] forbidding incorporation or usury (riba); and several famous verses such as The Throne Verse, Al-Baqara 256, and the perfect two or three verses. The surah addresses a wide variety of topics, including substantial amounts of law, and retells stories of Adam, Ibrahim and Musa. A major theme is guidance: urging the pagans (Al-Mushrikeen) and the Jews of Medina to take on Islam, and reproach them and the hypocrites (Munafiqun) of the fate God had visited in the similar to a propos those who unsuccessful fruitless to heed his call.[6]

Al-Baqara was believed revealed at Medina on top of higher than a long era time after the Hijrah, as soon as the exception of the riba verses which Muslims believe were revealed during the Farewell Pilgrimage, the last Hajj of Muhammad.[7][8] In particular, verse 281 in this chapter is believed to be the last verse of the Quran to be revealed, just about the 10th of Dhul al Hijjah 10 A.H., considering Muhammad was in the course of drama his last Hajj, 80 or 90 days further on he died.[9]

Following the muqatta'at, Al-Baqara begins taking into consideration the confirmation that the Quran is set free release of doubt and contains guidance for those who possess taqwa.[11] Taqwā is grammatically partnered to the triliteral root w-q-y evoking wariness, a sense of care and protection.[4] These people, known as God-fearing (muttaqin), are defined as those who believe in al-ghaib (Unseen, ghayb, lit. “absent”),[4] manage to pay for salah, spend zakat from what is provided to them, believe in Muhammad's prophethood and that of the other prophets, and the books revealed to them. [11]

There follows a version of the kafirs and munafiqs. The first of these verses uses the word kafir to describe one who conceals the truth, and Muhammad is advised that they will not believe despite his efforts because God has sealed their hearts and hearing, and covered their eyes (so that they will not be skilled to see, hear, or comprehend guidance), and that they will be punished subsequently a loud torment.[12] neighboring bordering is a detailed explanation story of munafiqs, defined here as those who broadcast they believe in God and the Last Judgment, but do not actually believe in them. It is said that they plan to deceive God and the mumins (believers) but they deceive themselves without perception, that in their hearts is a sickness disorder which God increases, and that they will be punished subsequently a tormented torment. The munafiqs are afterward said to early payment fasad (disorder/mischief) in the land, while claiming to fee peace, and to call the believers fools. To the believers they say they believe, but with they go help to their devils, they inform let know confess their disbelief, but they pull off not know that God deceives them and increases their deviation. They are then called those who engage in a profitless trade, the attain of error in the manner of guidance. The munafiqs are after that likened to a person who starts a fire and feels safe in its rude surrounding, but God extinguishes the fire and the person is covered in darkness. The Quran subsequently next calls them deaf, dumb, and blind. out of the ordinary example given is that of a person loose in rain, thunder and lightning in darkness, such that they would have to thrust their fingers into their ears out of the fear of death. The lightning is so intelligent gifted that it on the order of takes away their sight, but they walk toward it whenever it strikes, and stay put next it is dark.[13]

Mankind is subsequently next asked to worship God to acquire taqwa, and a credit of God's creations follows: the earth as a resting place, the expose as a canopy, and rain sent from the atmosphere to bring forth fruit and provision. They are later advised to not set taking place in the works others in honoring versus God. Those who doubt that the Quran was revealed to Muhammad are later challenged to develop a surah same thesame to it. It is subsequently next said that they will never be competent to fulfill this challenge and are asked to fear Hell, which is described as mammal fueled gone men and stones and specifically prepared for the kafirs.[14]

Q2:8-20 in Surah Al Baqarah refer to the hypocrites (Munafiqun). In the Meccan phase of Muhammad, there existed two groups, the Believers and the Mushrikeen (non-believers). However, after Hijrah (Emigration to Medina) Muhammad had to deal considering the opposition of those who openly accepted Islam while secretly plotting against Muslims. Their leader was Abd-Allah ibn Ubayy who was practically to be crowned king prematurely the arrival of Muhammad in Medina. The hypocrites benefitted from the Muslims while not losing their association with the disbelievers. They were considered disloyal to both parties and slanting towards those who benefited them the most in the worldly sense

The surah next sheds buoyant as regards the concept of Nifaq, which is opposite of sincerity. It is of two types:

2) Nifaq in practice: where people believe however they act like hypocrites. The signs of a hypocrite are lying, breaking promises, not keeping an amaanah or trust and later they argue they curse or use bad language.

According to a prominent scholar, Kamaluddin Ahmed, Nifaq is something that is within the heart, correspondingly no one knows of its existence except God. Therefore, no one can be called a hypocrite or Munaafiq through one's own self-assessment. This would amount to making Takfeer i.e. calling someone a Kafir (non-believer) back Nifaq (hypocrisy) in belief is kufr.

Condemnation of alcoholic beverages and gambling is moreover then first found in the chapter,[21] and it is one of forlorn four chapters in the Quran to refer to Christians as Nazarenes on the other hand of the more frequent terms People of the Book or "Helpers of Christ."[22]

Al-Baqarah contains several verses dealing later than the subject of warfare. Q2:190-194 are quoted in the region of the flora and fauna natural world of engagement in Islam.

The surah includes a few Islamic rules related to varying subjects, such as: prayers, fasting, striving going on for the path of God, the pilgrimage to Mecca, the fiddle with of the meting out of prayer (Qiblah) from Jerusalem to Mecca, marriage and divorce, commerce, debt, and a immense many of the ordinances concerning incorporation or usury.[6]

Quran 2 includes many verses which have virtues once the special Verse of the Throne (Aayatul Kursi). Muhammad is reported to have said,

“Do not position your houses into graves. Verily, Satan does not enter the home estate where Surat Al-Baqarah is recited.” [Muslim, Tirmidhi, Musnad Ahmed]

Ad-Darimi with recorded that Ash-Sha`bi said that `Abdullah bin Mas`ud said, "Whoever recites ten Ayat from Surat Al-Baqarah in a night, subsequently next Satan will not enter his land that night. (These ten Ayat are) four from the beginning, Ayat Al-Kursi (255), the following two Ayat (256-257) and the last three Ayat.

Verse 255 is "The Throne Verse" (آية الكرسي ʾāyatu-l-kursī). It is the most famous verse of the Quran and is widely memorized and displayed in the Islamic world due to its emphatic tab of God's omnipotence in Islam.

Verse 256 is one of the most quoted verses in the Quran. It famously remarks that "There is no obsession in religion". Two bonus verses, 285 and 286, are sometimes considered allowance of "The Throne Verse".[23]

Verse 2:282[24] covers two specific Islamic jurisprudence issues: (1) measure a move ahead and (2) the status of women's testimony.[25]

Amin Ahsan Islahi in his Tafsir of Surah al-Baqarah says like there is a loan transaction for a specific epoch of time, it must be formally written down. Both the lender and the debtor must trust the writer. There must be two witnesses: two men, or one man and two women. The security of the writer must be guaranteed. The length of the concord should be avowed confirmed exactly.[26][27]: 2:282 

al-Jalalayn says, "summon to bear witness the debt two witnesses men mature Muslim clear men; or if the two witnesses be not men subsequently next one man and two women"[28][27]: 2:282 

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Islam and domestic manipulation - Wikipedia

The relationship along with Islam and domestic mistreatment is disputed. Even along with Muslims, the uses and interpretations of Sharia, the moral code and religious bill of Islam, nonattendance consensus.Variations in interpretation are due to substitute substitute schools of Islamic jurisprudence, histories and politics of religious institutions, conversions, reforms, and education. The association connection surrounded by with Islam and domestic molest is disputed. Even accompanied by Muslims, the uses and interpretations of Sharia, the moral code and religious take effect of Islam, lack consensus. Variations in interpretation are due to exchange schools of Islamic jurisprudence, histories and politics of religious institutions, conversions, reforms, and education.[1]

Domestic manipulation in the middle of in the midst of the Muslim community is considered a complicated human rights situation due to changing shifting legitimate authenticated remedies for women by the nations where they live, the extent to which they have back up or opportunities to divorce their husbands, cultural stigma to hide evidence of abuse, and inability to have abuse certified by police or the judicial system in some Muslim nations.

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary definition, domestic ill-treat is: "the inflicting of instinctive insult slur by one relatives relations or household enthusiast vis-а-vis another; also: a repeated or habitual pattern of such behavior."[2]

Coomaraswamy defines domestic take advantage of as "violence that occurs within the private sphere, generally in the company of individuals who are related through intimacy, blood or law…[It is] concerning always a gender-specific crime, perpetrated by men adjoining women." It used is as a sound solid form of control and oppression.[3]

Physical, sexual and psychological neglect up in the family, including battering, sexual abuse of female children in the household, dowry-related violence, marital rape, female genital mutilation and supplementary further acknowledged practices harmful to women, non-spousal shout insults and neglect related to exploitation.[4]

The interpretation of Surah An-Nisa, 34 is subject to debate accompanied by Muslim scholars, along with the various translations of the passage which can get into 'strike them' or '(lightly) strike them' or 'beat them' or 'scourge them', depending vis-а-vis the translator.[5]Quran 4:34 reads:

Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they back up them from their means. for that reason hence the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband's) absence what Allah would have them guard. As to those women all but whose portion allocation ye fear betrayal and ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (Next), refuse to share their beds, (And last) strike them (lightly); but if they return to obedience, direct not against them Means (of annoyance): For Allah is Most High, earsplitting (above you all).

Hajjar Lisa[6][7] claims Shari'a acquit yourself encourages "domestic violence" next to women considering a husband suspects nushuz (disobedience, disloyalty, rebellion, ill conduct) in his wife.[8] Other scholars claim wife beating, for nashizah, is not consistent gone enlightened perspectives of Qur'an.[9] Some conservative translations declare that Muslim husbands are allowable to act what is known in Arabic as Idribuhunna once the use of "Strike," and sometimes as much as to hit, chastise, or beat.[10]

In some exegesis such as those of Ibn Kathir(1300-1373AD) and Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari(839-923AD), the endeavors prescribed in Surah 4:34 above, are to be taken in sequence: the husband is to admonish the wife, after which (if his previous correction was unsuccessful) he may remain separate from her, after which (if his previous correction was yet nevertheless unsuccessful) he may[11][12][nb 1][nb 2] meet the expense of offer her a light tapping past a Siwak.[15] Ibn 'Abbas, The Cousin of the Prophet, is recorded in the Tafsir of al-Tabari for verse 4:34 as saying that beating without severity is using a siwak (small toothbrush) or a similar object.[16]

A translated passage by Taqi-ud-Din al-Hilali and Muhsin Khan in 2007 defines men as the protectors, guardians and maintainers of women, because Allah has made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend (to assist them) from their means. Upon seeing ill-conduct (i.e. disobedience, rebellion, nashuz in Arabic) by his wife, a man may admonish them (first), (next), refuse to share their beds, (and last) prominence them (lightly, if it is useful), but if they return to obedience, mean not adjacent to neighboring them means.[17]

Some Islamic scholars and commentators have emphasized that hitting, even where permitted, is not to be harsh[11][18][nb 3] or some even contend that they should be "more or less symbolic."[20][nb 4] According to Abdullah Yusuf Ali and Ibn Kathir, the consensus of Islamic scholars is that the above verse describes a lively beating.[13][22] Abu Shaqqa refers to the edict of Hanafi scholar al-Jassas (d. 981) who observations clarification that the reprimand should be "A non-violent blow when siwak [a small fasten pin used to clean the teeth] or similar. This means that to hit next any added means is legally Islamically forbidden."[23]

Indicating the subjective flora and fauna natural world of the translations, particularly regarding domestic abuse, Ahmed Ali's English translation of the word idribu is "to forsake, avoid, or leave."[citation needed] His English translation of Quran 4:34 is: As for women you mood are averse, talk to them cursively; then leave them alone in bed (without molesting them), and go to bed in the same way as them (when they are willing).[24] However, in his native Urdu translation of verse 4:34, he translates idribuhunna as "strike them."[25]

Laleh Bakhtiar postulates that daraba is defined as "to go away."[26] This interpretation is supported by the fact that the word darabtum, which means to "go abroad" in the sake of Allah, is used in the same Surah (in 4:94) and is derived fromthe same root word (daraba) as idribuhunna in 4:34.[27] However, this translation is negated by the fact that most definitions of daraba in Edward William Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon are related to brute beating[28] and that gone the root word daraba and its derivatives are used in the Qur'an in report to humans or their body parts, it exclusively means physically striking them in the same way as a Siwak(Toothbrush) (e.g. in Qur'an 2:7337:93, 8:12, 8:50, 47:4 and 47:27).[non-primary source needed]

The discussions in all four Sunni put-on schools institutionalised the turn of the Quranic exegeses by turning wife-beating into a means of discipline against lawless wives.[29] Ayesha Chaudhry has examined the pre-colonial Hanafi texts regarding domestic violence.[29] Her findings are as follows. Hanafi scholars emphasised the procedure of admonishing, abandoning and hitting the wife. The Hanafi jurists herald that it is the husband's duty to physically discipline his wife's narcissism (nushuz). They tolerable the husband a lot of leeway in the intensity extremity of the beating. While Hanafi scholars admonish husbands to treat their wives next sociability and equity, they do not acknowledge the principle of qisas (retributive punishment) for injuries sustained in marriage, unless they cause death, permitting the husband to hit his wife without any liability and that Hanafi scholars assert that the husband is allowed to hit his wife even if that causes wounds or irregular bones their on your own condition is that the beating must not kill her this view was taken from Hanafi Scholar Al-Jassas and within this framework they emphasised the infatuation of following the sequence of admonishment, abandonment and hitting.[30] However, al-Jassas furthermore says that the reprove should without help and no-one else be "A non-violent blow in the same way as siwak [a small stick used to clean the teeth] or something same thesame to it.[23]

Al-Kasani extra supplementary that the admonishment contains two steps: gentle admonishment and later rude admonishment. [31] Al-Nasafi adds that if a wife dies during sex, the husband is not liable, Al-Nasafi interpreted this to be the direction of Imam Abu Hanifah.[32] Ḥanafi Scholars used general qualifiers to describe the type of hitting a husband might say you will in imitation of disciplining his wife the hitting should be non-extreme (ghayr mubarrih) and that should not cause disfigurement.[32] Ibn al-Humam believed that a husband can whip his wife considering isolated ten lashes.[32] However, al-Nasafi put the maximum limit at 100 lashes.[33] Al-Nasafi plus ruled that if a wife dies from the beating the husband is not blamed as long as he does not exceed 100 strikes. However, if he exceeds 100 lashes then he is considered to have crossed the limit of discipline into abuse and he would have to pay blood grant (diya).[34] Ibn Nujaym and al-Haskafi next ruled that a husband cannot be punished when the death penalty if he kills his wife while disciplining her. He abandoned owes blood money.[35]

Evidence of judicial records from the sixteenth century going on for wards feat that Ottoman jury panel of adjudicators who followed the Hanafi hypothetical allowed divorce because of abuse. This did this partially by borrowing rulings from supplementary further schools of thought and partially by blending abuse subsequent to blasphemy since they reasoned a "true Muslim would not beat his wife."[36][35] A number of women in British India along with the years of 1920 and 1930s left Islam to obtain judicial divorce because Hanafi take action did not allow in women to seek divorce in raid of cruel treatment by a husband. Mawlana Thanawi reviewed the matter concern and borrowed the Maliki rulings which permits women to strive for divorce because of maltreatment by the husband. He expanded the grounds of divorce approachable to women under Hanafi law.[37]

According to Ayesha Chaudhary, unlike Hanafi scholars who were more excited in protecting a husband's right to hit his wife for disciplinary purposes, the Malikis tried to grow less husbands from abusing this right.[29] The Maliki scholars unaccompanied allowed striking a rebellious wife subsequently the ambition of rectifying her. They specified that the strike should not be extreme or severe, must not leave marks or cause injuries and that the strike must not be fearsome, cause fractures, closure bones, cause disfiguring wounds while punching in general and punching her in the chest were unacceptable and that the strike could not verbal abuse the wife. The Malikis held that a husband would be legally blamed if the hitting led to the wife's death. They plus did not grant come to a husband to hit his wife if he did not believe the hitting would cause her to fade away her arrogance.[38] The Shafi'i scholars upheld the permissibility of wife beating but encouraged avoiding it and did not sustain the imperative "wa-ḍribūhunna" to objective an obligatory command. Shafi scholars moreover then restricted what the husband could attain in regards to hitting his wife, that he should unaided hit his wife if he thinks it will be keen in deterring her from her arrogance ; he should hit her in a non-extreme (ghayr mubarrih) manner; he should avoid hitting her face, painful sensation places, and places of beauty and not hit her in a song that causes disfiguration, bleeding, that he should not hit the same place repeatedly, loss of limbs, or death. According to Shafi scholars a husband is tolerable to hit his wife taking into consideration a cloth, sandal and a siwak but not behind a whip.[38] The views of the Hanbali scholars are a mixture combination of the positions of the other three schools of law.[29]

The vast majority of the ulama across the Sunni schools of play in inherited the Prophet's alarm bell higher than domestic insults and placed extra restrictions regarding the evident meaning of the 'Wife Beating Verse'. A leading Meccan scholar from the second generation of Muslims, Ata' bin Abi Rabah, counseled a husband not to stress inflection his wife even if she ignored him but rather to announce his violence in some extra way. Darimi, a teacher of both Tirmidhi and Muslim bin Hajjaj as competently as a leading upfront scholar in Iran, collected all the Hadiths showing Muhammad's disapproval of beating in a chapter entitled 'The Prohibition something like Striking Women'. A thirteenth-century scholar from Granada, Ibn Faras, notes that one camp of ulama had staked out a stance forbidding striking a wife altogether, declaring it contrary to the Prophet's example and denying the reality truth of any Hadiths that seemed to disclose beating. Even Ibn Hajar, the pillar of late medieval Sunni Hadith scholarship, concludes that, contrary to what seems to be an explicit command in the Qur'an, the Hadiths of the Prophet leave no doubt that striking one's wife to discipline her actually falls frozen the Shariah ruling of 'strongly disliked' or 'disliked verging in the region of prohibited'.[39]

According to Honour, Violence, Women and Islam, and Islamic scholar Dr. Muhammad Sharif Chaudhry, Muhammad condemns mistreatment next to women, by saying: "How loathsome (Ajeeb) it is that one of you should hit his wife as a slave is hit, and subsequently next sleep considering her at the fall of the day."[40][41][42]

Scholars and commentators have declared that Muhammad directed men not to hit their wives' faces,[44] not to prominence their wives in such a pretension as would leave marks not far off from their body,[44][nb 5] and not to beat their wives as to cause hurting (ghayr mubarrih).[20] Scholars too have stipulated next to beating or disfigurement, later others such as the Syrian jurist Ibn Abidin prescribing ta'zir punishments next to abusive husbands.[45]

Bahz bin Hakim reported all but the authority of his father from his grandfather (Mu'awiyah ibn Haydah) as saying:"I said: Messenger of Allah, how should we log on our wives and how should we leave them? He replied: entrance your tilth taking into account or how you will, have enough money her (your wife) food subsequently you give a positive response food, clothe afterward you clothe yourself, realize not revile her face, and pull off not prominence her."[46][47] The same hadith has been narrated subsequent to slightly alternating wording.[48] In added versions of this hadith, abandoned beating the point aim is discouraged.[49][50]

Some jurists argue that even with beating is allowable frozen the Quran, it is yet nevertheless discouraged.[nb 6][nb 7][nb 8] Ibn Kathir in concluding his exegesis exhorts men to not emphasis their wives, quoting a hadith from Muhammad: "Do not hit God's servants" (here referring to women). The narration continues, stating that some while after the edict, "Umar complained to the Messenger of God that many women turned adjoining their husbands. Muhammad gave his permission that the men could hit their wives in cases of rebelliousness. The women then turned to the wives of the Prophet and complained roughly more or less their husbands. The Prophet said: 'Many women have turned to my relatives relations complaining nearly their husbands. Verily, these men are not accompanied by the best of you."[51]

Domestic injure is considered to be a burden hardship in Muslim-majority cultures,[52] but because women conceal signs of abuse and don't tally domestic abuse to authorities, the incidence in many Muslim-majority countries is uncertain, but believed to be immense by Muslim feminists.[53]

In deference to Surah 4:34, many nations following Shari'a play a role have refused to declare or prosecute cases of "domestic abuse."[54][55][56][57] In 2010, the highest court of United Arab Emirates (Federal unqualified Court) considered a lower court's ruling, and upheld a husband's right to "chastise" his wife and children physically. Article 53 of the United Arab Emirates' penal code acknowledges the right of a "chastisement by a husband to his wife and the chastisement of pubescent children" so long as the belligerence does not exceed the limits prescribed by Shari'a.[58] The Council of Islamic Ideology, a constitutional body of Pakistan that advises the doling out around the compatibility of laws past Islam, has recommended authorizing husbands to ‘lightly’ emphasis disobedient wives.[59] considering asked why is beating a wife lightly permitted? The chairman of Pakistan's Council of Islamic Ideology, Mullah Maulana Sheerani said, "The recommendations are according to the Quran and Sunnah. You can not ask someone to reconsider the Quran".[60] In Lebanon, KAFA, an direction campaigning next to maltreat and the cruelty of women, alleges that as many as three-quarters of all Lebanese females have suffered physically at the hands of husbands or male associates family at some point in their lives. An effort has been underway to remove domestic hurt cases from Shari'a driven religious courts to civil penal code driven courts.[61][62] Social workers claim failure of religious courts in addressing numerous instances of domestic abuse in Syria, Pakistan, Egypt, Palestine, Morocco, Iran, Yemen and Saudi Arabia.[63] In 2013 Saudi Arabia approved a supplementary proceed just about domestic violence, which sets penalties for all types of sexual and subconscious abuse, in the workplace and at home. Penalties can be happening to a year in prison and a fine up to 13,000 dollars. The accomplishment also provides shelter for the victims of domestic violence.[64]

According to Pamela K. Taylor, co-founder of Muslims for innovative Values, such take advantage of is not portion allocation of the religion, but rather more of a cultural aspect.[65] In the academic proclamation broadcast Honour, Violence, Women and Islam edited by Mohammad Mazher Idriss and Tahir Abbas, it is said that there is no authority in the Quran for the type of regular and frequent acts of ill-treatment maltreatment that women experience from their abusive husbands. Furthermore, the actions of many Muslim husbands nonattendance the time-honored level of control in two elements from the verse, admonishment and separation.[41] The disaffection dictates not only the swine bodily separation, but in addition to abstinence from marital sex.

Statistics from four United Nations studies, from 1990s, con that 16-19% of the women (age less than 50) were victims of domestic abuse within the previous 12-month period. 40-47% of the women had been subject to domestic take advantage of during some period of their life. The studies were performed in villages (1992, 1993), Dhaka (2002) and Matlab (2002).[71]

About 90% of women in Bangladesh are vigorous Muslims, which indicates that many Muslim women are victims of physical domestic mistreat in this country.[72] From a World Health government (WHO) study, of which Bangladesh was 1 of 10 participating countries, it was found that less than 2% of domestic abuse victims want set sights on urge on from the community to resolve abusive situations, primarily because they know that they won't put up with the help back they habit to remedy the issue.[73]

Naved and Perrson write in their article "Factors aligned taking into account bearing in mind swine bodily Spousal Abuse of Women During Pregnancy in Bangladesh" that women who are pregnant are more likely to be abused. A examination investigation concerning Pakistan Rural permission and Mobility Study (PRAMS) data showed that 67% of perpetrators were husbands or partners".[74] Bangladesh was found to be one of the countries as soon as a high rate of domestic take advantage of resulting in death during pregnancy by a associated Nations study.[71][nb 9]

Another associated Nations national assay in 1995, 13% of the women (age 15-49) were victims of domestic abuse within the previous 12-month period. 34% of the women had been subject to domestic treat badly during some period of their life. In a 2004 examination of pregnant women in El-Sheik Zayed 11% of the women (age 15-49) studied were victims of domestic abuse within the previous 12-month get older and, also, during some times of their life.[71]

According to Egyptian Centre for Women's Rights and World Bank Social progress Group's 2010 report, 85% of Egyptian women tab of having experienced sexual harassment.[76]

A heap of legitimate authenticated documents and contracts from the period times of Akbar, called Munshat i Namakin, heavens that Muslim brides would often make four stipulations in their marriage contracts. If the husband violated these conditions, the wife would be entitled to divorce. These were conditions such as the husband would not marry a second wife or allow a concubine. substitute condition was that the husband would not emphasis the wife in a showing off which would leave a mark something like her body, unless she was guilty of a enormous offence. A miniature from the become old of Akbar's reign shows a husband lashing his wife not far off from the buttocks following a stick. This reflects the stipulation found in marriage contracts of that become old which were against beating in such a artifice that it would leave any mark not far off from the body.[79] One 17th century Muslim marriage covenant from Surat, examined by Shireen Moosvi, contained a stipulation by the bride, Maryam, that her husband, Muhammad Jiu, would find the money for her a specific amount of maintenance. The amount of maintenance which was specified in it indicated that the couple belonged to the lower middle class. However, the marriage bargain contained no stipulation against wife-beating. This reflects that women of that socio-economic class were customary to assent to any agreeable of verbal abuse by their husbands.[80]

In Iran the birds of domestic exploit is complicated by both a national culture and authoritative divulge that help back control, oppression and mistreat next to women.[85]

A World Health government (WHO) examination in Babol found that within the previous year 15.0% of wives had been physically abused, 42.4% had been sexually abused and 81.5% had been psychologically abused (to various degrees) by their husbands, blaming low income, pubescent age, unemployment and low education.[86]

In 2004 a chemical analysis of domestic ill-treatment maltreatment was undertaken by the Women's Center for Presidential Advisory, Ministry of Higher Education and The Interior Ministry of capital cities in Iran's 28 provinces. 66% married women in Iran are subjected to some good-humored of domestic be violent towards in the first year of their marriage, either by their husbands or by their in-laws. All married women who were participants in this psychiatry in Iran have experienced 7.4% of the 9 categories of abuse. The likelihood of physical subject to verbal abuse varied: The more children in a family or the more rural the associates lived, the greater the likelihood of domestic violence; Educated and career women were less likely to be victims of abuse. 9.63% of women in the chemical analysis reported wishing their husbands would die, as a result of the abuse they have experienced.[85]

The prevalence of domestic shout insults has been cited as a cause of high rates of suicide, mostly through self-immolation, in the course of Kurdish women in Iran.[87]

According to the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences in 2002, beyond 90% of married Pakistani women surveyed reported bodily kicked, slapped, beaten or sexually abused by their husbands and in-laws.[98] Over 90% of Pakistani women adjudicate domestic be violent towards as a norm of the entire woman's married life.[99]

The Thomson Reuters inauguration has ranked Pakistan third more or less the list of most dangerous countries for women in the world.[100]

Another associated Nations assay in East and South-East Anatolia in 1998, 58% of the women (age 14-75) had been subject to domestic ill-treatment maltreatment during some mature of their life; some of the women in the sampling had never been in a association connection which might have on the other hand instead resulted in a higher statistic.

According to Ahmad Shafaat, an Islamic scholar, "If the husband beats a wife without respecting the limits set beside by the Qur'an and Hadith, after that she can admit him to court and if ruled in favor has the right to apply the put it on of retaliation and stress inflection the husband as he prominence her."[19] However, laws next to domestic violence, as capably skillfully as whether these laws are enforced, vary throughout the Muslim world.

Some women nonattendance to fight the abuses they slope as Muslims; these women deficiency dearth "to hold withhold the communal extended family aspects of standard society, while eliminating its worst abuses, by seeking easy talent expertise to divorce men for abuse and irritated marriages."[106]

Laws to better enforce existing laws and protect women against shout insults were placed further on the Iranian parliament the week ending 16 September 2011, focusing approaching both tutelage and prevention of ill-treatment maltreatment adjoining women, including focus approaching human trafficking, better guidance support and services for abuse victims, rehabilitation (especially concerning domestic abuse) and better processes to control systematic of female offenders. One of the keys to ultimate expertise is altering community cultural views in the region of the use of violence next to women.[108]

In 2008, campaigners said that at a become old taking into account neglect adjacent to neighboring women is rampant in Pakistani intervention this so-called women's sponsorship bill encourages men to abuse their wives.[60] In 2009, a Domestic misuse sponsorship checking account was proposed by Yasmeen Rehman of the Pakistan People’s Party. It was passed in the National Assembly[113] but afterward later unsuccessful fruitless to be passed in the second chamber of parliament, the Senate, within the prescribed become old of time.[114] The Council of Islamic Ideology objected to the bill, claiming in its current form it would accrual enlargement divorces and that it ignored adult male victims of domestic violence.[115] After the passage of Eighteenth constitutional amendment, the matter pertaining to the description became a provincial issue.[116] It was re-tabled in 2012, but met with a deadlock in parliament because of stiff opposition from the religious right. Representatives of Islamic organizations vowed resistance to the proposed bill, describing it as "anti-Islamic" and an attempt to relieve "Western cultural values" in Pakistan. They asked for the bill to be reviewed further on being granted by the parliament.[117] The bank account was eventually passed for Islamabad Capital Territory almost 20 February 2012.[109][116][118][119]

In Malaysia, the largest government-run hospital implemented a program to intervene in cases where domestic insult seems possible. The woman is brought to a room to meet following a counselor who works past the accommodating to determine if the woman is in hard times and should be transferred to a shelter for safety. If the woman does not plan to go to the shelter, she is encouraged to see a social worker and file a police report. If the outrage is unquestionably serious, investigations begin immediately.[71][nb 10]

Though some Muslim scholars, such as Ahmad Shafaat, contend that Islam permits women to be divorced in cases of domestic violence.[19] Divorce may be unavailable to women as a practical or legal matter.[121]

The Quran states:(2:231) And past you have divorced women and they have fulfilled the term of their prescribed period, either agree to them urge on on reasonable basis or set them exonerate a propos reasonable basis. But accomplish not say yes them assist to verbal abuse them, and whoever does that, after that he has offended himself. And treat not the Verses of Allah as a jest, but remember Allah's Favours in relation to you, and that which He has sent by the side of to you of the Book and Al-Hikmah [the Prophet's Sunnah, valid ways, Islamic jurisprudence] whereby He instructs you. And fear Allah, and know that Allah is All-Aware of everything.[122]

Although Islam permits women to divorce for domestic violence, they are subject to the laws of their nation which might make it quite cutting edge for a woman to obtain a divorce.[3]

Most women's rights activists concede that while divorce can provide potential relief, it does not constitute an standard sponsorship or even an option for many women, following discouraging factors such as dearth of resources or encourage to insist rotate domestic arrangements and social expectations and pressures.[123]

Fun Sources: Surah Alif Lam Mim

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What is the names of 30 para of Quran list? - Hamariweb

1. The first Para or Juz of the Quran is Alif-laam-meem(آلم ) which has 2 Surahs the first one is Surah Al-Fatiha and unorthodox one is Al-Baqarah. 2. The second Para or Juz of the Quran is Sayaqūlu (سَيَقُولُ) which have unaccompanied 1 Surah that is Surah Al-Baqarah. 3.

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I am not saying that 'Alif, Laam, Meem' (a immersion of letters frequently mentioned in the Holy Quran) is a letter, rather I am saying that ‘Alif’ is a letter, ‘Laam’ is a letter and ‘Meem’ is a letter.” [At-Tirmithi] We goal this app will help you deposit your recitation of the Quran and bump your blessings in this world Alif Laam Meem : 1st Para - £1.85 : Madani Propagation

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Benefits and Virtues of Reciting the Quran. And that return will be multiplied by ten. I am not saying that “Alif, Laam, Meem” is a letter, rather I am saying that “Alif” is a letter, “laam” is a letter and “meem” is a letter.” (Tirmidhi). So deposit the recitation of Quran to pull off these rewards. Quran Para 1 Page 16 - Alif Laam Meem - Quran Juz 1 Page

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I get not declare pronounce that Alif-laam-meem is a letter, rather alif is a letter, laam is a letter and meem is a letter” (Tirmidhi). From hadith, we come to know that each and every one every one of single word of recitation of Holy Quran brings ten rewards. So by reciting Quran daily helps us to endure the words of Allah next terrific rewards regarding daily basis.

Alif Laam Meem - Mishary Al Afasy [Tajweed Quran] - YouTube

Fun Sources: Surah Alif Lam Mim

Fun Sources: Surah Alif Lam Mim

Alif Laam Meem : 1st Para - £1.85 : Madani Propagation

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Quran Para 1 Alif Laam Meem - Quran Juz 1 in Arabic - Read

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Alif Laam Meem - Maher Al Muaiqly [Tajweed Quran] - YouTube

Alif Lam Meem (الم) Offline Quran Pak Pehla Para for

Quran Para - Alif Laam Meem - Page 2 | Surah fatiha, Quran

Fun Sources: Surah Alif Lam Mim

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