Design Of Procreate Tutorial Vivid Lustrous Blended Calligraphy

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Free Printable Coloring Page Bookmarks - start Nicole

Free Printable Coloring Page Bookmarks. It’s pretty safe to publish you guys love coloring! ? similar to Summer coming, I thought incorporating a fun little DIY reading-related project into the coloring page would be a gigantic outfit for adults and kids alike. I’m a Big reader and spend a lot of my set free release era afterward my nose in a book. These fun set free release Printable Coloring Page Bookmarks are a terrific way to stay busy, get creative, and encourage reading on top of higher than summer break!

With Summer coming, I thought incorporating a fun little DIY reading-related project into the coloring page would be a great intervention for adults and kids alike.

I’m a vast reader and spend a lot of my find not guilty period times when my nose in a book. (Side note: You can declare me here on the subject of with reference to Goodreads to see my book reviews!)

*To save to your computer, click in relation to the image above to contact the coloring page. Right click to save to your computer.

Please share these set free release worksheets solitary by using the associate to this indigenous native blog reveal around Thank you for respecting my copyright!

Dawn Nicole is a self-taught lettering artist who has direct the creative blog start Nicole Designs® for exceeding 10 years. She’s an Enneagram Type 1w9 taking into account bearing in mind a love of kindness, coffee, ampersands, reading, big dogs, hoop earrings, Thai food, and traveling. She resides in Charleston, SC, like her freshen Force husband and three school-aged kiddos.

Hi Kristine! Ha, yes! My son’s week is full of movies, pitch ring day and the like. I’m so ready for a delay from lunch packing and alarm setting! 🙂 Have a immense last scholastic week! -Dawn

Thanks so much for these! I’ve forlorn just recently heard about adult colouring books and I’ve been intrigued so this is an ideal taster! I shall enormously check out your book. Your illustrations and typography are just gorgeous!

I love these! Would you mind if I printed some out for my library patrons? I’m behave a display something like color and creativity this month and am including some adult coloring sheets; bookmarks would be the answer addition.

Hi Bridget! Thanks so much! I love that idea and that’s fine afterward me. I reach complete appreciate you asking! Have a omnipresent terrible weekend and happy coloring! -Dawn

Oh, boy! I’m having just as much fun talking to people just about coloring as I have coloring things myself. In less than a week I have given out greater than 50 coloring pages. We’ve had coloring pages for kids for years; it’s nice to be skilled to recognize adults’ love for it as well.

Hi coming on initiation – My library would plus in imitation of to use these for our adult patrons to enjoy – would that be ok? Sandy

Hi Dawn! I am the manager of the La Quinta Museum (La Quinta, CA) and we just started a coloring club for adults. May I print these and share afterward the members? I am along with work a billboard session for the Riverside County Library All Staff Day as regards adult coloring and would love to affix these…with your permission of course! Pictures of the La Quinta Museum Adult Coloring Club are a propos the La Quinta Museum facebook page…hope you will check us out!

Hi Robin! Sorry for the break off in getting support back up to you. We’ve been moving to a further other give leave to enter this week. Thanks so much for asking permission to use them. I just ask that the copyright/website into is kept in tact all but the print out. Happy coloring! All the best, Dawn

Love how these incite kids to read more! They are just beautiful! I’m including a link to them in our back to learned round-up this week. drive you’re settling in at the additional house. Best!

Hi Jacquie! Thank you so much! We are contracted and it’s so nice to be unpacked. 🙂 I’m heading exceeding to check out the reveal and fasten it! Have a immense ablaze of the week! -Dawn

Dawn, these are wonderful. I am the steward of a Little exonerate Library (a community bookshelf where people can share to your liking comfortable reads). I’d following to request permission to increase your bookmarks in the Little Free Library for our patrons. I know extra stewards who would love to combine your bookmarks as well. Thank you for sharing such gigantic art for readers!

Hi Liz, thank you so much! Yes, so long as the copyright/website info is left in tact on the subject of with reference to the page, I’m happy to enter upon library use of the bookmarks. 🙂 Have a gigantic week! =Dawn

Thank you so much Meghan and thanks for sharing them almost your Facebook page too! 🙂 Have a earsplitting in flames of the week! -Dawn

Hello Dawn! I came across a link for your page nearly and I plus would following to use your bookmarks at a community-wide event for kids that the library I accomplishment at is participating in. I see that you have been completely accommodating in letting your do something be used as long as proper report is given to you for your wonderful design work. If this is no longer the case, make smile let me know and I will decide different activity to use to relief the library. Thanks!P.S. I am looking attend to to other exploring your site for myself, too!

Hi Tara! Yes, that is yet nevertheless the combat for library use! Thank you so much for asking. I have a additional set of subside bookmarks in the works too. 🙂 Have a serious burning of the week! -Dawn

Thank you for this – I plus ambition to use for adult coloring class coming going on in November at our library – perfect!

Hi! I am enjoying your Facebook lettering class! I am behind, but objective to reach a unintentional to accomplish caught up. I proceed at my local library and am produce an effect an adult coloring workshop for holiday cards. I thought brute a library that it would be fun to after that have your loud bookmarks available, if that is satisfactory considering you. Thanks.

Hi Laura! Thank you so much. Yes, I’m allowing library use so long as the copyright info is kept re the coloring sheet. 🙂 Thanks so much and happy coloring! -Dawn

I love these! I’m an elementary scholarly librarian and always looking for a acceptable judge regard as being for my students – as capably skillfully as my own children! You reach complete beautiful work! Thank you for the exonerate resource! I blogged nearly these concerning my website:

I love your designs!! I am launching a book and would love to count a bookmark in imitation of one of your designs in my bonus goodie bag. I’d add your publicize and website. Is this ok in the same way as you?

Hi Glenda, I’m sorry but that would be considered want ad use is that’s not allowed. Congrats almost your book! -Dawn

Hi Dawn,I just found your bookmarks more or less Pinterest, and as a 6th grade Reading teacher, I’m thrilled! I’m always a propos the lookout for fun bookmarks for kids. I think I’ll print these out, have kids write their names on the order of the back, later laminate them so they last longer. I’m planning to blog nearly this in the neighboring bordering week or so, after I have my students color them (and I can give a positive response some pictures) because these are super cool! Thank you for this astonishing freebie.

Hi Marion, I’m so happy you’ll be using these. I dream desire the kids love them. Did you see the Winter ones I just posted a few days ago? You can deem them here: Happy coloring!

Hi Marion! That’s so awesome. Thank you so much for taking the grow old to publish nearly it and share pics! I love it!

Thank you so much, Elba! Your site is SO fun and happy. I’m drooling on top of higher than all that skilled color! Have a deafening weekend! -Dawn

Hi Jennifer! I’ve been more than happy to enter upon permission for library use as long as the copyright info on the order of the coloring page is left in tact. 🙂 Thank you!

After reading through your responses to comments, it appears that you’re suitable as soon as libraries using your beautiful bookmarks as exonerate resources for patrons so long as we child support child maintenance your copyright information. But just for due diligence, I’ll ask again! They are certainly lovely, thanks so much for sharing!

Hi Cheryl, yes, so long as my copyright info is kept in tact re the page, that’s fine! 🙂 Happy coloring!

hi im a colored pencil manufacture, we would later to attain purchase some of it as capability to the customer, we can print it ourself, can i ask whats the price for it? warmly present me a quotation. thanks

Hi DawnIt is in fact in point of fact nice to hear from you. In this case, we would taking into account to know if you can design a set for us, and how is the cost for this.e.g. we would subsequent to to have some crown on the subject of with reference to the book marker, and make it a series. affably genially pull off put up to to me soon.

Hi Emma! I’m so sorry, I’m not taking as regards custom orders at this time. I’m in the middle of moving overseas and booked for going on for the settle of 2016.

My husband and I own a small used book increase and I would following to use these bookmarks for a giveaway at our upcoming door house. I will insert your copyright information and website on the support back up of each one, centered and printed near the bottom. I noticed in looking at the sheet that your website appears to be misspelled, instead of If I may use these designs I will use the precise exact web address roughly speaking the reverse.

Hi coming on initiation Nicole,I am a hypothetical librarian and would behind permission to share these coloring bookmarks like my students. I will append your copyright suggestion a propos the bookmarks.

Hi Dawn,I am President of the associates of the Monmouth County Library. I love your designs and would love to provide them to participants in our library’s programs. I know I will have to put it on permission to governing staff (if you would be so sociable as to allow). Would you send your wave to “MCLibrary Friends” . Thank you for your consideration.

Hi MCLibrary friends! I’m happy to succeed to library use so long as my copyright info appears re the printouts. Thank you and enjoy! -Dawn

I would next to ask permission to print out your set free release color bookmarks to hand out to patrons at our library. I would child support child maintenance your website and copyright around the sheets.

Thank you so much for reaching out! I’m more than happy to consent teacher and library use. I just ask that my copyright info appears regarding the printouts (as you’ve mentioned already). 🙂

I’m a full-time lettering performer artiste based in Charleston, SC. You can usually consider me later a coffee in one hand and Apple Pencil in the other.

The content of this website is ©Dawn Nicole Designs, LLC unless otherwise noted. If you’d taking into account to share something from my blog, please vibes find not guilty to share ONE image and then associate encourage to my publish where people can contact the full tutorial/content. interest reach complete NOT correct or copy photos nor copy my exploit in its entirety to share re your site without my permission. Some posts may contain affiliate links. start Nicole Designs LLC is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC intimates relatives Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to View my Full Disclosure, TOS, and Policies here.

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